About the Rising Stars Committee
The 2022-2023 Rising Stars
Dream it.
The Rising Stars Committee is a group of young professional leaders and volunteers in the GTA dedicated to advancing the mission of Make-A-Wish through fundraising initiatives and serving as ambassadors to the community.
Build it.
Committee members work together to plan events that engage their network to build awareness for Make-A-Wish and raise funds to grant wishes for children with critical illnesses. Members meet once a month to collaborate, learn from guest speakers and network with other members.
Grow it.
In 2019, our inaugural event, we raised over $60,000 to create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. In 2020, our committee and fundraising went virtual! We organized 3 virtual “Wish Dish” classes and raised over $4,000 to help grant wishes! In 2021, we hosted Wishing Well” a virtual wellness series featuring cooking, embroidery and yoga classes and raised over $13,000.
About Make-A-Wish® Canada
Make-A-Wish® Canada grants life-changing wishes for children with critical illness. Our vision is to grant a wish to every eligible child across the country. In these unprecedented times, more children are in need of hope and waiting for wishes than ever before.
When children are battling a critical illness, so much of normal childhood is taken away from them — it is exhausting, both emotionally and physically. A wish is something that gives children the opportunity to look outside their illness. A wish restores a sense of childhood back to the child and normalcy back to the family.
Wishes provide kids hope when they need it most, and research shows they have effects on children’s overall well-being and health outcomes. In fact, wishes have proven physical and emotional benefits that can give children with critical illnesses a higher chance of survival. When a wish is granted, a child replaces fear with confidence, sadness with joy, and anxiety with hope.
For more information, visit makeawish.ca